
Something society has to do is improve people’s self-confidence. Not having enough self-confidence causes emotional pain and predisposes people to act as if they don’t trust themselves. This also causes other problems, such as being treated by other people as if they constantly need help.

Changing this situation is possible. To achieve this, you must follow this guide that we have prepared with 10 practical tips, which are very effective and easy to put into practice. Let’s see what they are: 

Think calmly about each possible option:

A good exercise to practice: take distance from your own person, analyze what you do (as an external observer) to try to recognize the acts and habits that you do that harm you. 

Usually people who have low self-esteem get into a vicious cycle of anxiety and lack of self-confidence. Getting out of this circle is difficult if you don’t have a good purpose.

Analyzing situations externally will help you see the problem in its entirety and decide how to act. Decisions must be made based on what is best in the medium and long term. Of course, you should not make the mistake of choosing the most comfortable solution.

Thinking from a distance about negative habits:

You have to do the same as in the previous advice, put some distance to be able to think clearly about a bad habit. 

Having negative thoughts stops you from having a useful image about yourself. You also don’t have to try to have an objective image of yourself because it’s impossible, but the image you have about yourself should be useful in your daily life and in the decisions you decide to make.

In order to do this, selective attention must be put into practice. If you do not have self-confidence, you see everything in a pessimistic way. You focus on what goes wrong and belittle what you do right. Detecting negative thoughts and acknowledging them makes them less important and you focus on what really matters and how you can improve.

Do not compare yourself with others: 

It is something that everyone has done at some point in their life, but you have to stop doing it. Surely when people compare ourselves with others it is because we do not really know them. Today everyone presents their good side, shows their positives and tries to hide the negatives. Consequently, we normally think that they have perfect lives. This is a mistake that many people make, but when we get to know these people a little more, we realize that this is not the case, that they also make mistakes and that they are not perfect.

Don’t let advertising influence your self-esteem: 

Propaganda has great power over people. Advertising agencies are increasingly specialized in allowing companies to focus on very specific market niches and to influence them by creating insecurities. Especially about women and female beauty. 

It is necessary to try to keep the identity without the publicity trying to sink it or change it. 

Try to maintain good health:

Self-confidence is subjective, but to maintain it you have to make objective changes in your routine. You have to exercise daily, follow a healthy and varied diet and have good hygiene. When the body is well, the mind is well, so you have to take care of the body-mind connection. Improving these aspects will also improve the image we have of ourselves. 

You have to sleep properly: 

Rest is essential for many things and also for self-confidence. If you don’t rest, stress and fatigue accumulates, which directly affects the way things are interpreted, the decisions you make, and then you will not trust yourself.

It is better to set realistic goals:

To improve self-confidence, you have to think about actions that improve self-esteem. You have to learn to see yourself in a kinder way. For this reason, all the objectives we set ourselves must be realistic and achievable. It is useless to decide to do something impossible and then fail, it only makes self-confidence worse. On the other hand, if we set goals that we can achieve and we do, little by little the image we have of ourselves will improve. 

You have to take advantage of each situation to put into practice what you have learned:

It is useless to know how to improve your self-confidence if you never start to put it into practice. Every situation, no matter how small, is the perfect time to do it.

Little by little we will feel more prepared to face any situation, without fear and with more tools to manage that trust.

Surround yourself with positive people:

Surrounding ourselves with people who love us and who transmit positive energy inspires us to try to be better, to love each other a little more every day and to create a solid and stable foundation of self-confidence. The whole process will be easier. For this reason, it is a good starting point. 

Help those who need it:

Everyone needs help at some point, so be kind, empathetic, and help others as much as possible. Helping also makes you feel better about yourself. It is said that helping others changes two lives, the one who is helped because he needs it and the one who helps because he sees that he has something to offer to others and he does it.