El yoga


That so many people worldwide are practitioners of Yoga is not a coincidence. Halfway between a sport, meditation and a philosophy of life, this activity has become a real craze that engages people of all ages. Here are some curious facts for you to get to know it in depth.


  1. Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. Although not entirely accurate, its beginnings date back some 5500 years, according to archaeologists, who have found traces in the Indus Valley and statuettes engraved with human figures performing yoga postures. 
  2. The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit, which derives from the verb “yuj-“, meaning union, effort, to concentrate the mind, to be absorbed in meditation, to unite, to connect, to bestow. The goal of Yoga is the union between body, mind, and spirit.
  3. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were written in the 3rd century B.C. and are the earliest text found that talks about Yoga. They are 195 sutras or aphorisms that expose characteristics of the mind that, thanks to the practice of Yoga, we can observe and transform them. 
  4. Although there are many types of Yoga, they all come from the same core, the asanas (or postures) and their purpose is the same in all of them: awareness, relaxation, breathing, positive thinking, and meditation. These types are Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Anusara, and Bikram, among others.
  5. The person who practices it is called a Yogi. This term comes from Sanskrit and refers to the male practitioner. Yogini is the neologism for the woman who practices this discipline. 
  6. The most traditional yogis and yoginis, especially Indian practitioners, believe that each person has certain breaths in life and, for this reason, we should pay attention to them and slow them down to be aware of them and enjoy them. 
  7. Yoga is not a religion, but it is considered an ancient philosophy of life that focuses on the union of body, mind, and spirit. And it is that, through practice, thanks to its techniques, it is considered that you can understand the purpose of life and open yourself spiritually, and psychically and live in a state of gratitude and compassion.
  8. Yoga also has its own vision of nutrition, since the activity and the food a person eats go hand in hand. They come from a Mediterranean diet of clean and fresh foods, with the quantities necessary for good physical and mental health. Excessive consumption is avoided, as this could interfere with our well-being and, therefore, our practice.
  9. Mental health improves with Yoga in many aspects, providing balance to those who practice it. On an emotional level, it fills you with energy and happiness, thanks to the meditation involved and the attention given to breathing. When you practice Yoga, you become aware of reality and pay attention to what is really important, leaving aside worries that sometimes are not important and that we give them more weight than they really have. Therefore, it makes us value and face life differently, silencing the mind on what is unnecessary.
  10. Our spine is the central base of our anatomical structure and Yoga is the best ally to strengthen, activate, flex and relax. It has been proven that for all those who practice Yoga on a frequent basis, the functionality of the back improves.
  11. The practice of Yoga guarantees integral health that will provide us with a healthy and energetic body. On a physical level, it works on flexibility, and coordination, and strengthens the immune system. It also relieves tension, pain and keeps us more relaxed, thus keeping away the stress that causes so many health problems.
  12. Yoga is recognized worldwide on June 21, which is known as International Yoga Day. This day is used to bring Yoga to the entire population and raise awareness of the importance and benefits of this practice. Normally, events and mass rallies are held all over the world to practice Yoga in sports centers and public parks.