Ahorro. Ideas para gastar menos


World Savings Day was celebrated on October 31, established in 1924 at the first International Savings Banks Congress in Milan. The aim of this day was to encourage money saving among the population and thus restore public confidence in banks, as it had been wholly lost after World War I. This day continues to this day but with the purpose of promoting the importance of saving.

Saving is allocating a portion of our income for specific future plans or having money saved for possible emergencies, without the need to borrow money. That is why, in finance, it is defined as that part of our income that we do not use for consumption. Saving allows us to achieve financial security

To start saving, it is necessary to know how much we earn, how much we spend and what we spend the money on. Thus, by knowing it, we will be able to discover those expenses that are unnecessary or that can be cut back, as well as establish coherent goals regarding our income and expenses.

Financial experts insist that it is important to set aside a small fixed amount each month, no matter how small. The reason is that it helps us to integrate the habit of saving money. But it is not only possible to save by leaving a part of your income when you receive your paycheck, you can also cut expenses in your daily actions at home, at work, in shopping, or in leisure. Here are some ideas.


  • Use efficient light bulbs and check that your electrical installation is in good condition.
  • Check that you do not have more contracted power than you need.
  • Use light responsibly and turn off equipment completely (do not leave it in standby mode).
  • Turn off the faucet when not using water so as not to waste it.
  • Use hot water only when necessary. 
  • Do not abuse the heating and air conditioning. Set a moderate temperature.
  • Buy efficient appliances (A, A+ y A++).
  • Search and compare your phone and Internet rates with other operators.
  • Take advantage of the sunny hours to dry clothes instead of using the dryer.
  • Whenever the clothes are not heavily soiled, wash them cold.
  • Install a home water filter instead of buying jugs or bottles.
  • Cook more and buy less prepared food.
  • Keep an eye on the expiration date of food to avoid throwing it away.


  • Commute to work by public transportation or alternatives such as a bicycle or electric scooter.
  • If you can’t avoid using your car or motorcycle, use mobile apps to locate the cheapest gas stations.
  • Reduce the use of air conditioning in the car as much as possible.
  • Prepare a lunch box for lunch instead of eating at the restaurant.
  • Bring your breakfast and thermos with your own coffee instead of buying them at the cafeteria or snack machine.
  • Bring a water bottle to refill instead of buying single-use plastic ones. 


  • Do not make compulsive purchases. Think before you buy if you really need it. 
  • In the case of food, establish a weekly shopping day instead of shopping daily.
  • In food, choose to buy private-label products.
  • If possible, choose to repair rather than buy new items. 
  • Reuse and transform, whenever possible.
  • Buy second-hand products. 
  • Check out outlet shopping options. Items are often deeply discounted.
  • Plan your shopping list before going to the supermarket.
  • Go shopping only when you know what you need. 
  • Review the subscriptions you have contracted and check if you use them or if you can save some of them.
  • Take advantage of discounts in both physical and online stores.
  • Instead of buying books or movies, opt to go to the library.
  • Sometimes establishments offer you customer cards with which you end up saving money at the end of the month.


  • Find out about free leisure activities in your city.
  • Review the times you eat out and think about whether you can limit them.
  • Museums are usually free once a month. Find out more and try to go on those days.
  • The excursions are a way to get in touch with nature and spend a pleasant day without spending anything.
  • You don’t have to give up tapas and drinks, but you can prepare some at home and spend less.
  • Take advantage of the moviegoer’s day at the cinema and bring snacks or drinks from home.
  • Create a shared account with friends and family from online subscription platforms.
  • Take advantage of free online courses to learn.
  • Check if you regularly go to the gym and, if not, choose to do sport by going for a run or exercising at home.