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The Christmas holidays are here. A time of reunions and meetings also brings with it some excesses, changes in routines, and alterations, in which maintaining healthy habits sometimes becomes complicated. With the following nine tips you can take care of your body during the Christmas season.

1. Do not skip meals

When we have eaten more than we are used to or we will have a large meal in a few hours, we often think “today I won’t eat breakfast because I have lunch at home…” or “today I won’t eat dinner because I have eaten too much”. What causes us to skip a meal is that we are hungrier and we arrive at the next meal with a bigger appetite. If you don’t want to have a heavy breakfast or meal, choose something light such as yogurt, fruit, or vegetables, but we recommend that you don’t skip any meals.

2. Be careful with portions and mixes

At Christmas, why resist eating delicious dishes prepared with love? Starters, slow-cooked meals, desserts, nougat, liqueurs… Naturally, we want to try everything. What happens is that in our day to day we do not usually make these mixtures, or eat so much food that our digestive system may not tolerate it too well. That’s why, to take care of your body, we advise you to watch your portions. If you want to try everything, eat slowly and, at the end of the meal, help your digestion with a digestive infusion, for example.

3. Drink alcohol responsibly

During the Christmas holidays, tables are spread out with a feast of dishes as well as alcoholic beverages: wine, champagne, spirits, cocktails… It is common to increase consumption and lose control of what is ingested. It is advisable to maintain a responsible consumption of alcohol and not to drink it on an empty stomach. In addition, to avoid the dreaded hangover, try to balance alcohol with water consumption to avoid dehydration.

4. Medicines when essential

Christmas excesses usually bring about a certain physical or psychological discomfort that we tend to palliate by self-medicating. In most cases, self-medicating without responsibility can worsen the situation rather than improve it. Taking one medication or another depends on many variables, such as age, physical condition, or whether you are taking other medications. To take care of your body, before deciding to self-medicate, we recommend that you consult your doctor or pharmacist, as they will be able to make more accurate recommendations.

5. Forget about miracle diets

“I’m going to eat whatever I want over Christmas and then go on a miracle diet,” is a widespread thought. A strict diet can not only be harmful to our health, but it is also impossible to maintain it for a long time. It is unrealistic. Eat what you feel like during the holidays, and then continue with your healthy lifestyle habits. Eating a varied and balanced diet is a long-lasting habit that only brings benefits to our quality of life. With time we end up noticing all its beneficial effects. Instead of a miracle diet, proper year-round eating habits are the best way to be healthy and happy.

6. Get moving

Just because Christmas is coming doesn’t mean we are obligated to stop all the positive routines that benefit our health and make us feel better. Exercise, for example, is a habit that is usually completely abandoned from the first to the last day of these festivities. If you can’t do a full workout due to lack of time, moderate the intensity and go for a walk for a while, get out the mat and do a fitness class at home or get out on the bike for a while. Whatever you feel like, allow your body to keep reminding you to exercise. You’ll appreciate it during the holidays, and when they’re over and you want to get back to your regular workouts.

7. Listen to your body

Putting aside the moral value of whether a food is good or bad (except if you have a food intolerance) is a way to free yourself from certain ties that can lead to problems during the holidays and, above all, afterward, such as guilt. You have the right to eat what you need and want. So, enjoy your food by listening to what your body is asking for and taking care of yourself. It is a way to take care of your body and your mental health.

8. Rest

Christmas is also a good time to allow yourself to rest. Rest time is essential to take care of our physical and mental health. At this time of the year, people tend to stay up late at night and this can cause fatigue, among other health problems. Try to get adequate rest the hours you need. In addition, if you keep moving during these dates and doing physical activity, it will help you fall asleep and avoid insomnia that can be caused by the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

9. Enjoy!

The most important tip for taking care of your body: enjoy. Breathe, eat and savor the food. Enjoy the environment, the conversations, and the affection of the people around you, whether they are many or few. Try to keep intrusive thoughts away and take advantage of positive emotions and feelings of well-being. Depending on each person’s moment in life, these dates can be sad and painful. So, whatever your case may be, try to avoid comparisons and anything that may hurt you. There is no unique or ideal Christmas only the one you decide to create. Don’t let it be a burden or suffering.