Los efectos del estrés en la piel

We have talked about how stress affects our emotional and physical health, with consequences that we end up normalizing such as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, migraines, tiredness, fatigue, etc. But do you know the effects of stress on the skin?

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and there is an embryological connection between the skin and the nervous system, which is present throughout human life. That’s why skin problems due to stress are quite common.

The reason for the effects of stress on the skin

Stress influences the dermis through different mechanisms. When we live a time in our life with stress peaks and these peaks last too long, the adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol in abundance. In turn, the body generates more adrenaline.

When we feel stress, cortisol commands our body to reduce blood flow to the muscles, heart, lungs and brain as a quick response so that we can effect an escape, fight or paralysis. Who is the main victim of this tactic that modifies blood circulation? The skin.

In addition, cortisol changes and undermines the immune system, lowering skin defenses and activating inflammation. Cortisol also increases blood sugar, suppresses the digestive system and when all this happens, the effects of stress on the skin appear.

With increased stress, adrenaline and corticosteroid stimulation is triggered which increases heart rate, increases energy supply and blood pressure rises. By acting on receptors in the skin, all these factors effect a change in the skin.

The main effects of stress on the skin

As we have seen, stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge. It is a defense mechanism that the body has to ensure survival. But when it becomes chronic, it ends up affecting the whole organism, including the skin. Flaccidity, spots, dull skin, dehydration, loss of elasticity, wrinkles or itching.

In addition, there is a group of diseases in the dermis that have been scientifically linked to stress, increased cortisol and adrenaline stimulation. Some of the most important and widespread among the population are the following.

· Acne ·

Hormonal factors are decisive in the appearance of acne, but more and more dermatologists are showing the importance of the emotional factor and, therefore, confirming the effects of stress on the skin. 

· Dermatitis ·

This skin inflammation is common when there is stress, causing dry and reactive skin and eczema on any part of the body. It can be of the seborrheic or atopic type.

· Psoriasis ·

It is a chronic skin disease that usually causes outbreaks that, among other reasons, usually appear in stressful situations.

· Excoriations ·

In this case, stress causes the sufferer to scratch the skin, generating cycles of itching and scratching. Due to this fact, injuries can be caused by repetitive and compulsive scratching.

· Vitiligo ·

Is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s defenses attack the cells that produce melanin, which is why it manifests itself in the form of spots that have no pigment. Although it has a genetic component, stress helps its development.

· Rosacea ·

Another of the effects of stress on the skin. It is chronic in nature and affects the face, causing stages of improvement and worsening. The emotional factor and specifically stress, aggravate the appearance of these outbreaks that redden the face.

What can we do to prevent the effects of stress on the skin?

In addition to eating a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients, it is vital to work on mental well-being in order to prevent stress. It is natural and healthy to feel stress in a specific situation, but it should be prevented from lasting over time and becoming chronic. To prevent this from happening, here are some tips:

  • Practicing regular physical exercise.
  • Do yoga or meditate.
  • Using breathing techniques in times of stress.
  • Regular contact with nature.
  • Enjoying our hobbies.
  • Dedicate time to self-care.
  • Ask for psychological help if necessary.

Remember that your WellWo occupational health platform offers Mindfulness programs and stress management tips, as well as different physical exercise disciplines.