omega 3

The reason why the consumption of Omega 3 is so recommended is very simple, it has many health benefits. Lately there has been a lot of talk about this nutrient, but you may not know exactly what it is and what its properties are. For this reason, we have prepared this article, where we are going to explain to you what its functions are and why you should include it in your diet. 

Omega 3 is a nutrient that belongs to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is made up of three different types of fats: ALA (Alfalimolenic Acid), EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). The last two are the ones that we find most in blue fish and seafood. 

It is considered an indispensable component in our diet since our organism does not produce it by itself, that is why we must introduce it through food. 

Among its different functions, we find: preventing cardiovascular diseases, improving cardiovascular health, avoiding possible inflammations, increasing good cholesterol, reducing blood pressure and improving the appearance of the skin. 

Foods that provide polyunsaturated fatty acids: 

We can consume it through food supplements but the ideal is to do it through food. Oily fish and seafood are the foods that contain the most, but they are not the only ones. This nutrient has been added to some products so that we can benefit from it. Next, we detail the rest of foods that provide us with Omega 3:

Vegetable oils: there is a great variety that provides us with a good quantity of the recommended daily dose of Omega 3. Not all of them have the same amount, among those that have more grams per portion, we highlight flax oil. We must also highlight olive oil, apart from being one of the most consumed in the Mediterranean diet, has 8.3 grams per 100 grams. Others that also have it, but in smaller quantities, are soybean oil, corn oil and wheat germ oil.

The seeds: it may not seem, but generally the seeds have high amounts of this fatty acid. As with vegetable oils, flax seeds are one of the most important contributors, along with chia seeds. The other seeds also provide a good dose, so you can alternate them throughout the week to benefit from the other nutrients they provide to our body.

Oily fish: we have already said that this food is rich in Omega 3, it is the most recommended when we want to introduce this acid into our diet. And the one we first think of when we are told about it. There is a great variety of blue fish that provides it to us, for example sardines, anchovies or salmon. 

Shellfish: we have also mentioned these previously. We highlight oysters, prawns and crabs as the main sources, but any kind of seafood will help us to complete the recommended daily quantities. 

Dry fruits: apart from providing us with polyunsaturated fatty acids, they also provide us with energy. It has always been said that it is good to eat a handful of nuts and dried fruit a day because of their nutritional properties. Nuts are the ones that have the most Omega 3. 

Green leafy vegetables: not all foods that provide this fatty acid are of animal origin, the vegetables that have green leaves also provide a good daily dose. Among the ones that have more presence we can highlight the lettuce and the spinach. 

Avocado: you already know that this food is rich in healthy fats, also in polyunsaturated fatty acids, so we can include it in our diet. 

Oats: it is one of the cereals that has more quantity, we can eat it in many different ways and nowadays it is very easy to find in any supermarket. 

The peanut cream: although it does not seem it, this cream contributes more quantity than other foods. Specifically 10 gr per 100 gr of product, so make sure you always have a jar at home.