cáncer de mama

The GEICAM group did a research about breast cancer, offering us the following results: Among the participants, women who did not perform any type of physical exercise had a 71% higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who did. This study confirms a fact: sport is vital to a person’s life.

Recommended by doctors and researchers, sport in women is not only a form of prevention, but also, once diagnosed, during treatment and after overcoming the disease, to avoid relapses. With only 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, five days a week, where resistance is worked, it would be enough to obtain all the benefits that physical activity provides in our body.

The importance of sport in breast cancer

Sport strengthens the immune system

The immune system plays a very important role in anyone’s life as it helps the body fight disease and infection. For this reason it is vital to fight cancer. In addition, when a woman has breast cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, strengthening the immune system helps her not suffer sudden drops in her defenses. For this fact, the regular practice of sport is recommended to prevent these alterations in the body.

Sport as antitumor prevention

Playing sports is shown to have antitumor effects on the body. During physical exercise, muscle fibers release myokines that perform autocrine, paracrine and endocrine actions, acting as hormones. These myokines have a very important benefit, which is an increase in insulin sensitivity, which can induce the process of programmed cell death. That is, they remove unnecessary cells during the early stages of development. A very important role in cancer prevention.

Prevention and avoid relapse

As we said at the beginning of this article, women who do physical exercise are less likely to suffer breast cancer and to relapse, once the disease is over. Staying physically active improves quality of life in all aspects, and it is recommended because in this disease it usually happens that some cells evade treatment and survive it, and sport reduces and slows cancer recurrence.

Improves mood and quality of sleep

When you exercise, hormones are released that cause well-being and pleasure. This effect of our body has very positive consequences in the person who suffers or has suffered cancer because it reduces stress and anxiety, which are states of mind that tend to manifest with the disease. The quality of sleep also suffers the consequences, and sport increases mental and body relaxation that is very effective for people who do not sleep well. For this to happen, experts recommend not exercising after 7pm-8pm.

Decrease the after-effects

Some of the sequelae of breast cancer are the sensation of pain, fatigue and loss of muscle tone. Doing sports on a regular basis and adapted to each person will affect a woman’s energy, even if it seems paradoxical, increasing the feeling of vitality. In the same way, strength exercises work the muscles, avoiding losing the muscle tone that is so necessary for movement and health in general. Without forgetting the physical appearance, which is very important in these stages for the person to have good self-esteem.

Fewer side effects of hormonal treatment

Normally, women with breast cancer undergo hormonal treatments that last more or less years, depending on each person. This type of procedure decreases muscle and increases fat, which is why physical exercise is recommended to balance the level of fat, accompanied by a healthy diet, low in poor quality fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes.

Affective ties and breast cancer

In addition to sports, it is important to keep other aspects of the patient’s life active, such as being accompanied by the people you love. Affective support is essential in these cases. Do not be afraid to talk about the situation, have company at medical visits and during treatment, have help with day-to-day tasks, play sports in company, or simply talk.

Several studies explore the importance of the attachment link to the well-being of women during and after breast cancer. Many women fear abandonment, need closeness, or are overwhelmed by the situation. Interest, understanding, support, affection, dialogue and love, together with sport, is one of the best tasks that family and friends can do for their loved one.