El ejercicio activo


Lower back pain is one of the most common health problems worldwide, affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. Its impact is physical and affects quality of life, limiting mobility and the ability to carry out daily activities. The good news is that it is possible to independently manage this type of pain through active exercise and telerehabilitation tools, significantly improving spinal health and promoting overall wellness through exercise.


Lower back pain can have various causes, from muscle or joint injuries to degenerative issues like herniated discs. Its multifactorial origin requires a comprehensive approach to prevent, treat, and avoid chronic pain. However, many studies have shown that one of the most effective methods for treating lower back pain is appropriate and supervised physical activity.

When we talk about active exercise, we refer to activities that involve strengthening, mobility, and stabilization of the spine through the patient’s active participation. This type of exercise improves the endurance of the muscles supporting the back, increases flexibility, and helps prevent future episodes of pain.


Active exercise has proven to be one of the most effective approaches to reducing lower back pain and preventing its recurrence. Here are some key benefits:

Muscle Strengthening: The muscles surrounding the spine, including the abdominals and lower back muscles, are essential for maintaining proper posture and reducing pressure on spinal structures. Active exercise helps strengthen these muscles, reducing the likelihood of injuries or strains in the lower back.

Improved Flexibility: Muscle and joint stiffness in the back is a common cause of lower back pain. Performing exercises that promote mobility and flexibility improves the spine’s range of motion, which reduces accumulated tension and facilitates more natural and free movement.

Postural Correction: Lower back pain often originates from poor posture maintained over long periods, such as in sedentary jobs. Active exercises are designed to correct postural misalignments and teach the body to maintain a healthier posture during daily activities.

Increased Mobility: Keeping the spine mobile is key to preventing pain. Mobility exercises help keep the joints in the back active and healthy, preventing the deterioration of intervertebral discs and facet joints.

Stability and Coordination: Trunk stability is crucial for protecting the spine against sudden movements or unexpected loads. Active exercise focuses on improving coordination among stabilizing muscles, reducing the risk of new injuries.


One of the most important aspects of active exercise in managing lower back pain is that it allows the patient to take an active role in their recovery process. This encourages autonomy in treatment, as people can perform exercises regularly at home, following clear and supervised guidelines without needing constant visits to a medical center.

Digital physiotherapy has opened new possibilities for patients to access personalized online exercise programs from the comfort of their homes. Through digital platforms that use artificial intelligence, it is possible to receive exercise recommendations, track progress, and make real-time adjustments, all supervised by professionals. This approach not only increases accessibility but also improves treatment adherence, as patients can flexibly incorporate wellness exercises into their daily routine.


For active exercise to be effective in managing lower back pain, it is important to follow certain guidelines:

Initial Assessment

Before starting any exercise program, it is crucial to undergo a physical assessment to identify areas that need more attention. The type and intensity of exercises should be adapted to the individual needs of each patient.

Gradual Progression

It is important to start with low-impact exercises and gradually progress to more intense activities. This allows the body to adapt without overloading or worsening the pain.


Exercise must be regular for results to be effective. It is recommended to perform exercise sessions at least three times a week, combining strengthening, mobility, and stability activities.

Professional Supervision

While new technologies allow for autonomy, it is always advisable to have the supervision of a professional to guide the process and adjust exercises as the patient progresses.

Variety of Exercises

To avoid monotony and muscle fatigue, it is important to include a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. Activities such as stretching, core strengthening, and joint mobility exercises should be combined for better results.


Beyond pain reduction, the benefits of active exercise go even further. People who incorporate regular exercise into their routines not only experience a decrease in lower back pain but also improve their overall health. Exercise has a positive impact on cardiovascular health, mental function, and sleep quality. Additionally, those who adopt a preventive approach through active exercise are less likely to experience recurring lower back pain.

Lower back pain is a health problem that affects millions of people, but it can be effectively managed through active exercise. Consistent practice of strengthening, flexibility, and stability exercises, combined with the opportunities offered by telerehabilitation, allows patients to take control of their recovery and improve their quality of life. Investing in wellness exercise not only relieves lower back pain but also promotes a healthier, more active lifestyle in the long term.