
We all know that air is fundamental for us to live and for there to be life on Earth. But we may not be so clear about what it is made of and what its main pollutants are. 

In today’s article we are going to explain it to you so you will be more aware and take care of the air you breathe. 

What forms the air we breathe?

The air is composed of different gases, mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Its total composition is: 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, 1% noble gases, 0.03% carbon dioxide and 0.97% water. 

As a curious fact, we can say that it has neither taste nor smell. Needless to say, without it, we could not live. 

Apart from needing the air, we need it to be of good quality. So that it does not harm our health, nor that of the animals. Good quality air will allow our body to function properly, our blood circulation, our brain activity and a longer life with better quality in general. 

Oxygen is the most important element because it is the one we need to breathe and perform some of the functions we have mentioned. Carbon dioxide is what comes out after these functions have been carried out. Including when we breathe. 

Plants and trees through photosynthesis absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen (unlike us). We have a mutual benefit and therefore a mutual interest. 

As you can see, the quality of the air is very important as it directly influences our state of health. 

We must therefore ensure that the air we breathe is of the highest possible quality. Although it is not always easy, especially if we live in a big city. 

The main pollutants:

It is a current and urgent issue, air pollution. We all know that the atmosphere is polluted. Consequently, so is the air we breathe. 

This pollution can be due to various factors, but the most important and the one that causes the most pollution is the result of human activity. This covers a wide range of activities, some of which in principle do not seem to pollute the air, but in fact they do. For example:

  • Smoke from factory or industrial chimneys: Also smoke from the exhaust of cars, motorcycles, trucks and other motor vehicles. As substances such as bromide or lead chloride, sulphur, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide are released. 
  • Burning garbage: Open-air dumpsites or dumping garbage in the open cause a lot of pollution in the environment. That’s why it’s so important to recycle and build efficient recycling plants that minimize toxic emissions. 
  • Decomposing organic matter: Even though it may not look like it, organic matter causes a lot of pollution when it decomposes. Releasing the famous methane gas. It forms in swamps, marshes, rice fields… But also from the excrements of herbivorous animals, such as cows. This is why cows are said to pollute so much. It is due to the increase in the livestock of this animal. 
  • Light elements and others: when fluorescents, thermometers and certain pieces of dentistry are manufactured, mercury vapours are released. Exposure to these vapours can cause various health problems.
  • The chemical industry: many of the chemical processes generate toxic gases that end up polluting the air. For example, sulfur compounds are released from paper mills. 

These are not all the elements that pollute the air, but they are a sign that any type of activity can do so. It is time to act and take care of the environment.