
Being vulnerable is not bad, although sometimes we perceive it as something negative. In order not to feel vulnerable, we force ourselves to be strong. We do this because we believe that the strong ones are those who endure the most and that, consequently, this can help us to be happier. 

However, vulnerability is much more than something negative. It is a psychological factor that is part of our personality. It makes us human. We should not be afraid to accept it and let it be part of our life. In doing so, we not only accept a part of who we are, but we connect more with our surroundings.  

Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is the courageous thing to do. Being strong and confident is what is most valued today. When we drop our shield, showing that we are not as perfect as we want to appear, we are showing how brave we are.  

Of course, showing this is not a sign of weakness or defeat. We are simply showing another facet of our character. It helps us to be more sensitive to our feelings, to be more empathetic, and to better understand the emotions of others.

The power that comes from being vulnerable: 

As human beings, we find it hard to accept that we make mistakes, that we sometimes fail, or even that our lives take the odd unexpected turn. This is because in our society appearances reign. We have to pretend that we are fine, that we take everything in a good mood. But in reality we are afraid, sad or anxious. 

Because of this perception, both emotional and physical vulnerability are seen in a negative light. They become embarrassing. If at some point we stop being perfect, we feel bad about ourselves because we are failing to be what society expects us to be.

This clashes with the world of literature, where being vulnerable is necessary and seen as constructive. 

How do you strike a balance between vulnerability and strength?

In the same way that it is good to show our skills and competences, it is also good to admit that we cannot cope with everything. This should be the case because it is a reality. 

It is admirable to recognize and say that we feel pain, that we do not see ourselves capable or that the situation is beyond us. Besides, it is highly recommended. We should be very clear that it is not bad, nor are we less capable because we are vulnerable.

Toughness is not as important as vulnerability

Being tough and showing ourselves to be invincible does not help in any aspect that is really important to us. For example, to achieve happiness, well-being or to be respected. 

Characteristics such as sensitivity or empathy are more important than ruthlessness or harshness. Even in the work environment. Because they help us to be closer to our colleagues and to create a better working environment. 

Being vulnerable makes us perfect

Because other feelings arise from vulnerability, such as love, the feeling of belonging to a place, joy, creativity or courage. From this point of view, being vulnerable does not make us less perfect. 

It is sad when someone has never let go and shown this feeling. When they have repressed what they feel and have not shown what they think. Those who try to show themselves as people who are able to control everything, who are tough or who do not make mistakes, are really showing that they are imperfect people. Besides, they are most probably unhappy.

No person who shows himself to be perfect is brave. Brave is the one who shows all his facets. With their weaknesses and strengths, no matter what they say. It is the one who recognizes that he needs to stop to get better and come back stronger. Vulnerability makes us more human and perfect, because we show who we are.