agua contaminada

One of the main problems we have today is water pollution. Be it from rivers, seas, oceans, lakes or reservoirs. If we cannot stop this problem, the survival of our species and of all living beings on the planet is seriously compromised. 

Water pollution occurs when its composition is modified in such a way that it no longer meets the conditions for consumption as it would if it were in its natural state. 

It is very important to take care of this valuable resource because it is the most important for human and animal life, as well as plants.

Causes of contaminated water:

One of the main causes of water pollution is the presence of chemical (or other) substances in higher than normal quantities that degrade the water. 

The main causes of this degradation are:

Industrial waste: This is one of the main sources of pollution. It occurs when companies dump their polluting waste into rivers and water channels. This not only contaminates the water where they are found, but many of them end up in the sea, contaminating much more. 

Rising temperatures: it doesn’t look like it, but rising temperatures (due to global warming) also cause water pollution. This is because with the increase in water temperature, the ecosystems present suffer alterations, such as a reduction in oxygen, which ends up altering their composition. 

Pesticides used in agriculture: fertilizers and chemicals are used in almost all processes that take place in agriculture. When they come into contact with the soil, they filter into the subsoil and end up in the water, which we end up consuming. It is very difficult to treat it to make it fit for human consumption. 

Deforestation: massive logging causes rivers, lakes and other water sources to dry up. When the trees are cut down, the roots of the trees near the rivers are pulled out and sediment and bacteria appear, which also contaminate the water. 

Oil spills: this is a widespread practice that is extremely harmful to us. The spillage of crude oil and its derivatives, which occurs when the oil is not transported properly, the filtration of gasoline or the leakage from tanks. These spills end up reaching the nearby waters and become contaminated. 

Main consequences of water pollution: 

It causes illnesses: consuming contaminated water can lead to serious health problems. From diarrhoea, cholera, hepatitis A, typhoid, to death. It is estimated that about 5 million people die each year from drinking this water. 

Malnutrition: an insufficient diet, along with infectious diseases and a lack of hygiene with clean water, leads to disease, including malnutrition. One thing goes hand in hand with the other. That is why good body hygiene is important, but also proper cleaning of food before consumption. 

It affects ecosystems: contaminated fresh water alters the natural habitat of ecosystems. As a result, aquatic biodiversity is lost, harmful algae appear and other problems arise. 

It ends water pollution:

We can all help prevent water pollution. We can put some easy tips into practice: 

Consume responsibly, buy products without toxics or chemicals that are harmful to the environment. To do this, read labels carefully. 

Recycle properly. If we don’t put the waste in the right container, it will end up in the sea and will contaminate.

Make sure that the clothes you are wearing have not been manufactured using practices that pollute. Today there are many manufacturers who take care of the environment in every process of manufacturing their fabrics.