Entrenamiento hiit

I’m sure you’ve heard of Hiit. It is an athletic discipline that is very fashionable nowadays. Do you dare to try it?

To get started in this type of training today we have prepared this article. In it we will tell you what is Hiit training and what are its benefits. 

What is Hiit training?

Hiit (High Intensity Interval Training) is a method of high intensity interval training. It is said to be the most effective training because it is fast, intense and burns more calories than any other discipline. 

Hiit training consists of two phases to activate the metabolism and increase oxygen consumption. These two phases consist of a period of high-intensity activity followed by a recovery time. The idea is to repeat these sequences throughout the training to achieve an effective session. 

To get the most out of it and to notice the expected results it is important to train at high intensity. Giving the maximum we can, it will be worth the effort. 

You may be wondering how it can be so effective and why it allows you to burn more fat than other methods. The answer can be found in the following lines.

Benefits of Hiit Training:

It allows us to burn more fat: in Hiit training, when we are in the high-intensity activity phase, our body suffers from an oxygen deficit due to the effort.

Afterwards, it will need to recover the oxygen it has lost to the level it had before starting the exercise. 

In this way, when we have finished training, we will have consumed an excess of oxygen. As a result, your metabolism is accelerated and you will have consumed 6-15% more calories than with aerobic activity, for example. 

We gain muscle mass: with Hiit training we not only burn fat but also develop our muscles. Therefore, we get a double benefit and improve these two important aspects of our body.  

It increases our metabolism: as we have mentioned before, it increases our metabolism. This has positive consequences on our body. For example; it lowers blood pressure, increases cardiovascular health, improves insulin sensitivity (the muscles we are training will use glucose faster as fuel to get the energy they need) and lowers cholesterol. 

Reduces cardiovascular risk: Hiit decreases inflammatory markers as well as the negative effect of oxidative stress on the body. It also lowers blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity. All this makes us reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and thus have a healthy and strong heart.

More benefits in less time: several studies have shown that 3 sessions a week of 27 minutes each (a total of 81 minutes of training) would have the same benefits as 5 sessions of cardio aerobic training of 60 minutes each (a total of 300 minutes). 

Train your body with this method:

Who doesn’t want to get better results in less time? Thanks to this new training method we now have no more excuses not to get in shape. I’m sure we’ve convinced you to start a Hiit routine today. 

Practicing Hiit is very easy, all exercises can be adapted to this method. We have to keep in mind that the exercises of greater intensity are those that will provide us with a better result.

The best way to get started in this discipline is to have a trainer who teaches us how to perform the exercises correctly. He will also prepare a training plan with the days to train and the days of rest. The latter is also very important. Our body has to recover after the effort made in each session to be able to perform at its best later on. In this way, we ensure that we train at a high intensity and guarantee success.

Nowadays it is also possible to do this kind of intense training thanks to the many applications or websites specialized in physical exercise, such as ictiva, your online gym.

Are you ready to face this new challenge?

Then let’s get to work! In a few weeks you will notice the results