energías renovables

At this point, we all know that the planet is in danger from global warming. A number of measures must be taken to curb the situation and to enable us to continue to live in optimum conditions. The human being always needs several sources of energy to be able to carry out daily activities, it almost always comes from non-renewable sources, this worsens the problem. For some years now, renewable energies have been used, as they are respectful of the environment and animals.

Thanks to new technologies, research and public awareness, these sources are being used more and more. Although everyone has heard about this type of resource, we may not be clear about the concept and how it is obtained, for this reason we have prepared this article where we are going to explain what it is and how many types there are.

What are renewable energies?

Also known as green alternative energies, renewable energies are those that are obtained from natural sources and that cannot be exhausted. These natural resources are: the sun, water, biomass, wind and even animals, fossil fuels are not included.

When we say that they cannot be depleted, it means that they can regenerate themselves and that, therefore, they will never end.

Some of the advantages of using renewable energies is that they hardly have a negative impact on the environment, they do not pollute and they do not require the use of finite resources to generate them.

Types of green energy

Nature has many resources that we can use to obtain energy. The different types are:

Solar: It is the one we get from the sun, one way to transform the sun’s rays into energy is by putting solar panels. The one that is generated we can store it to use it when we need it. A variant of this is thermoelectric, which consists of using solar radiation to heat water. When the water reaches the boiling point and steam is created, a turbine will be driven that generates electricity.

Wind: It is the one obtained thanks to the force of the wind. Wind farms are usually created with windmills. These mills are connected to electricity generators that transform the force of the wind into energy by turning the blades.

Hydroelectric: Also known as hydraulics. It is the one that uses the force of water. The best known way to create and store this energy is with dams.

Biomass: Perhaps it is not as well known as the previous renewable energies, but it is one of the most economical and ecological that exists. It is the result of the combustion of organic waste, both of animal and vegetable origin. First, waste is deposited in a bin, then pressed and set on fire.

Biogas: this type of energy is obtained when organic matter biodegrades. There are certain microorganisms that are responsible for this process, for this to happen the matter must be in a specific device without oxygen. The result of this process is a gas that can be used perfectly for energy.

From the sea: called tidal or wave motive. It is the one obtained by taking advantage of the force of the waves of the sea.

Geothermal: this is born in the heart of the earth, since it uses the temperature that it does in the deposits to generate energy.

Common characteristics of renewable energies:

  • They facilitate self-consumption: So we can make the houses self-sufficient if we want. The idea is that within a few years the buildings will already have the facilities that allow them to collect energy for their own consumption.
  • They help the environment: As we said at the beginning, because of climate change the planet is suffering. A solution to stop it is by using these resources instead of pollutants.
  • They are free and unlimited: As they are present in nature, they are resources for which you do not have to pay (or at least you should not). In addition, they never end so they can always be generated.
  • They can be generated anywhere in the world: As they come from several different sources and are resources of nature, we can find them anywhere on the planet.
  • Allows energy independence: Not all countries have access to energy sources to meet the needs of their population. When this happens, they are forced to buy them (they are almost always fossil fuels) from other countries. However, all countries have access to some type of renewable energy. Learning how to generate and distribute it would allow them not to depend on other countries and their conditions.

It is necessary to learn the importance of the use of renewable energies and the advantages they present. They are an excellent way to take care of the environment and save money. In addition, they provide a security and stability that fossil fuels do not have because in the future they will be exhausted and their price will increase. It is becoming easier to install a system that allows us to store and use the renewable energies that we have at our disposal. We just have to inform ourselves and take the step.