óxido nítrico

Athletes are always looking for a way to improve their performance. One of the ways to do this is by introducing nitric oxide. This compound, which not everyone knows, helps us to perform the functions of our organism correctly. 

It is a very important compound because it carries out many actions. The main function is to act as a vasodilator, that is, to dilate the arteries to increase their capacity. We produce it when we need it and it protects our cells. It also works as a neurotransmitter, which allows us to get more blood to the whole body. As a result, the elasticity of our skin and our appearance is improved. 

Since we are losing it over time, it is important that we introduce it through a good diet or supplements to ensure that we get the necessary daily amounts. 

Benefits and properties of nitric oxide: 

It helps our muscles to recover: because it increases the flow of blood that reaches the muscles, it also eliminates the ammonia present in the tissues, thus avoiding muscle fatigue. Remember that this happens when the muscles do not have enough oxygen, this causes the lactic acid to appear. When we finish a workout, thanks to the nitric oxide, we will feel better and prepared to do another workout sooner. As you can see, its effects are not only seen while we are training, but we also notice them afterwards.

It increases the resistance of the muscles: because it increases their capacity and strength. We will mainly notice it when we do high intensity anaerobic exercises.  

It improves the health of the muscles: it is responsible for taking the necessary nutrients and oxygen to these so that they can carry out their functions and that it yields more when we make exercises or tasks that involve the muscles. 

It allows us to have more energy and regulates the temperature: as we have said before, it is in charge of providing us with the energy we need to do the exercises when we train. As it is also in charge of regulating the body temperature, this makes it easier for us to increase our sports performance. 

It regulates our blood pressure: by regulating the blood pressure, we manage to reduce the pressure that the arteries have when they transport blood. Thus the vessels become larger. For this reason, nitric oxide is recommended to regulate the tension of the arteries. It improves our cardiovascular health and prevents heart disease. 

Regulates cholesterol: In relation to improving our cardiovascular health, if we improve our cholesterol levels, we will prevent clogging of the arteries and certain heart diseases. 

Strengthens our immune system: By improving our defenses, we will avoid getting sick or injured. If we do, by having the strongest defenses, we will be able to recover sooner and in the best possible way. It also fights against cancer cells. 

Lengthens muscle congestion: if you look, when we finish a workout, we have swollen muscles. However, after a while this swelling disappears and they look different. Thanks to the action of nitric oxide, increasing blood flow, our muscles will remain swollen for longer. This is interesting for people who want to have bigger muscles. 

Watch out for some of the side effects 

As you can see, the benefits of nitric oxide are not few. However, we must be careful with the doses we take and their possible side effects. Some of the side effects that we can feel if we take too high a dose of this component are: headache, intestinal discomfort, tachycardia, dizziness, low blood pressure (in those who have low blood pressure it can lower it even more, so it is not recommended to take it). 

If you want to benefit from the properties of nitric oxide, make sure you take the recommended amounts. You will notice how it improves your sports performance and strengthens your body.