Deporte en el embarazo

During pregnancy, the question arises as to whether it is possible to do physical exercise or whether it is preferable not to do so. In general, it is advisable, since activity during these months has direct benefits both during pregnancy and childbirth as well as in the recovery after giving birth. But as each case is different, in those cases in which the pregnancy is high risk, it is advisable to ask the doctor before making the decision to practice sport.

There is evidence to show that women who have been active during pregnancy improve their physical and emotional state while preparing their bodies to cope with the demands of pregnancy and childbirth. Although it is really beneficial, it is important to choose the right exercises to practice, depending on each stage of pregnancy.



During the first and third trimester of pregnancy, it is common to experience more tiredness and fatigue due to hormonal changes. Cardiovascular exercise adapted to each trimester, without involving a great effort, will be enough to strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase energy and vitality.

Mental health

Also due to hormonal changes and the difficulties of the different stages, the mood is affected with very different emotions. By exercising regularly, endorphins are released that stimulate all the organs and help to deal with episodes of stress and anxiety that may occur. 


Closely linked to the previous benefit, the practice of regular exercise releases a series of hormones that favor the proper functioning of physical and mental health. Among its functions are those that provide relief and relaxation in the nervous system, acting directly on the night’s rest.

Less pain

Regular exercise relieves possible discomfort throughout the body, especially in the areas that suffer most from pregnancy, such as the back or legs and their sudden cramps.

Weight control

Maintaining an optimal weight, which is different for each woman, is essential to enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Eating right with nutritious food and exercising will be the key to gaining weight in a healthy way and not losing mobility.


Constipation and pregnancy go hand in hand, due to changes in habits and the need to sit for longer periods of time. Moderate exercise promotes bowel movement and therefore facilitates evacuation and avoids difficulties in passing stool. 

More preparation

Being mentally prepared for childbirth is as important as being physically prepared. Through sport you can train several aspects that are put into practice during childbirth. When you exercise, you listen to your breathing and control it, just as you do with your body. These are three key aspects during childbirth.



If you did not do sports before pregnancy, taking walks at a good pace for at least 30 minutes is ideal to get started and begin to mobilize the body at the cardiovascular level. Walking avoids too much impact on the knees, but it will depend on the intensity and footwear. It should be noted that as the pregnancy progresses the center of gravity will change, as well as the balance. Therefore, it is better to choose flat terrain in more advanced months, to avoid falls.


This discipline is ideal for many reasons. The first is that, like the previous one, it is low impact. Second, that all asanas are done together with breath control, and that it will be a great ally at the moment of delivery. The third is that you become fully aware of the body and this adds to the physical work, the work of observation and acceptance. It is advisable to avoid asanas that require a lot of effort. The best for pregnancy is Hatha yoga or prenatal yoga.


Swimming offers the opportunity to exercise without putting pressure on the joints. In addition, the extra weight that comes with pregnancy can be very tiring, even more so if we add exercise. On the other hand, in the water, as the body floats, it is a relief and makes it very comfortable to exercise. It is important to enter the water by the stairs, without jumping and impacting directly with the abdomen, and it is not advisable to dive. Choose a swimming style that is comfortable and does not strain the upper back, shoulders and neck.

Regular sport

In the case of women who already practiced sports on a regular basis, it is possible to continue training as usual before pregnancy, as long as it is not a risky practice. To continue doing those sports activities that we like, it is vital to change the chip and adapt the physical activity to the current state of pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to lower revolutions and change the routine a little so as not to exhaust yourself.