
Boxing is a contact sport that, if we practice it several times a week, brings us many benefits. Despite the bad image it has, the truth is that everyone can practice it and feel how it improves both physical and mental aspects.

You only have to start practicing it to erase the taboos that exist around this discipline and to be hooked on it like all those who already practice it weekly.

There are so many benefits that boxing training brings to you, that many consider it a total training. In addition, it allows us to get in shape and have new, different sensations that we do not get with other sports.

9 Benefits of practicing boxing continuously:

It helps to burn fat: if your objective is to lose weight and define your body this is the ideal discipline for you. Boxing is a high intensity aerobic exercise that allows you to burn a lot of calories. For example, with a 20 minute class you can burn up to 250 calories.

It eliminates stress: thanks to the accelerated rhythms of the boxing classes and to having to be concentrated in the movements that we do, we will be able to fight stress and be more relaxed after a session. This helps to maintain good mental health, release tension and be in a better mood.

Improves our concentration: when we are doing the exercises of this discipline we have to be very concentrated to do the blows, blocks and dodges to do them correctly. So session after session we will improve this skill. Also, we will do very well to use it in other areas such as work or studies or any situation in our life that requires great concentration. As you can see, the benefits of boxing are not only useful for sport, but also for our daily life.

It increases self-confidence: when we learn self-defense techniques we immediately improve our self-esteem. It allows us to be sure of ourselves because we are able to react to any situation. This also gives us peace of mind and allows us to live with less fear. However, it is very important to use these techniques only when we really need them, such as self-defense, not at other times when they are not necessary.

It will make you move faster: boxing is a sport in which you have to be very fast. Both to give a blow and to avoid it. If you are not, don’t worry that with practice you will get better. Besides, it is a skill that will also serve you in other sports or aspects of your daily life, like other benefits of boxing.

It improves cardiovascular health: being such an intense sport, it demands a lot from the heart. In order for the heart to respond positively, it has to get used to the rhythm of the rounds. Thanks to these intense intervals, we will manage to improve blood circulation, reduce the pressure of the arteries, improve the respiratory system and prevent the risk of suffering from certain heart diseases.

It strengthens the bones: as we have already said, it is a sport of great impact. Part of this burden is carried by the bones, which makes them stronger. This will help us prevent bone loss, which is very common after the age of 35 or 40.

It improves stability: as we have said before, we have to move very fast during the rounds, not only do we hit quickly but we also change position, turn around, bend down and get up very quickly. All this makes us improve our stability, makes us lose our balance less, because it strengthens and stabilizes the central muscles, which are in charge of keeping our balance.

Improve your endurance: apart from being a high intensity aerobic exercise, it is also an anaerobic one. By combining both modalities, we achieve that the resistance of our body increases.

Boxing is a sport that usually surprises us because of all these benefits, but it is also very popular. Take your body to the limit and you will be surprised to see how much you advance. At first you may think that you have no stamina or that your resistance is zero. Session after session, your body will adapt to the intensity of the exercise and will improve by leaps and bounds. You will push the limit further and further and increase all your capabilities.