heridas emocionales

We all have emotional wounds or we may have them at some point in our lives. Some of them we close without a problem, others we think we have closed them but they reopen later at the most unexpected moment.

Going through certain situations can be very hard for us. These situations cause us to accumulate anxiety and other negative emotions. We do not always know how to manage these emotions. For this reason, we have prepared this guide to make it easier to overcome any kind of distressing situation.

Before we know the different ways to heal an emotional wound, we must first know what exactly this type of wound is and how it is produced.

Emotional wounds are the aftermath of an uncomfortable or unpleasant experience. These experiences cause us deep pain, anger or even fear. Any situation that causes us harm can generate an emotional wound.

Once we live this experience, we can remember it constantly, for years. Therefore, it is vitally important to find a way to help us manage the emotions it causes, such as frustration. Through love and understanding we will achieve this.

Recognizing an emotional wound is easy, we just have to remember the moment that made us feel uncomfortable or when we thought an injustice was being done. The truth is that there are many kinds of emotional wounds.

The techniques that will help you close these emotional wounds are:


Knowing yourself is key to recognizing what hurts us. Once we know, we can look for solutions and work to overcome them. Knowing ourselves well will also help us to react in a certain way in certain situations so that they do not hurt us so much. It also helps us to be more authentic people.

Accepting that emotional wounds are part of us:

To be able to process any situation, we must accept it. Believing that we can skip this step because we cannot afford to be sad, feel guilty or not know how to manage an emotion is counterproductive. It does not help to heal the wounds. Therefore, if we want to close them, we must first accept them. To do this, we must observe them, let them flourish and let our body and mind follow the natural process they need.

We have to express our wounds:

All the emotions we feel are necessary, none of them are bad. Continuing with the previous point, in order for them to follow their natural course, we must express them.

A good technique to allow them to flow is to give them way when we relive the moment that causes us pain. We can do this by talking, walking or looking for an action that allows us to express ourselves.

Let things flow:

Many times we can’t go on with our lives because we’re not capable of letting go. We want to control everything and we give a lot of thought to the same subject. This causes us stress and anxiety. The best thing we can do is let ourselves go, let things flow and follow their natural course. Without trying to control our future or change the past. It’s out of our hands.

Learn to manage your emotions:

Managing emotions allows us to close wounds. If we learn how to communicate and use our feelings, we will be able to close them sooner. To do this we must learn from past experiences.

Resilience is essential:

It’s the ability to overcome a negative situation. It will help us find our purpose in life and overcome bad moments.

Motivation must be maintained:

It’s not always easy, but we can play sports, make art, meditate… There are a lot of activities we can do to disconnect or see the situation from another point of view.

Do not hesitate to ask for help:

It may be difficult to recognize that we can’t handle it all. But sometimes it is necessary that someone helps us to overcome certain situations. There are professionals who can help us to manage the situation better, to recognize certain emotions that we did not know we felt. To control moments of pain. They will help us find what is not right and how we can manage it. We should not feel bad or failed when we go to a specialist. It means that we are able to recognize that we need help and that we want to improve the situation.

We must be empathetic:

Just as we may feel bad, we must be aware that other people may have emotional wounds. So that we can take care of them and help them with what they need. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This will help us understand what they are feeling and help them in the best possible way.

Closing an emotional wound is not easy but it is possible. We must be consistent with what we feel and with what others feel in order to improve the quality of life around us.