La solidaridad digital


Solidarity is a concept that refers to a feeling or action of mutual support among individuals or social groups. It is a value that involves sharing common concerns, responsibilities, and objectives, and working together to achieve them. You can show solidarity in many ways. Contrary to what is often believed, you can also show solidarity with actions in your neighborhood or with animals on the other side of the world.

In social terms, solidarity refers to an emotional and moral relationship between people, based on empathy and mutual respect, which drives them to work together to achieve a common good. In this sense, solidarity is a crucial element for building fairer and more egalitarian societies, where all people have access to the same opportunities and resources.

There are many ways to show solidarity, and one of them is through technology. It is called digital solidarity.


Digital solidarity is a concept that refers to the idea of using technology and information technology to help people and communities around the world. With the growing popularity of the Internet and social networks, digital solidarity is becoming an increasingly important way to fight poverty, social exclusion, and discrimination

This form of solidarity should differ from the help that requires physical mobilization; they are complementary.


Today, digital solidarity can manifest itself in many different ways. For example, there are organizations that use technology to improve access to education and employment in rural or disadvantaged areas. There are also initiatives that seek to provide refugees and displaced persons with technology and connectivity to help them stay in touch with their families and communities.

In turn, digital solidarity also includes the creation of digital tools to improve people’s health and safety. For example, there are mobile applications that help people monitor and control chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension. There are also projects that use technology to improve the safety of people in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or situations of armed conflict.

In addition to these specific projects, digital solidarity also refers to the attitude and behavior that people have on the Internet. Nowadays, there are other ways to collaborate in solidarity actions that do not involve a commitment to physical mobilization. Social networks, for example, are a loudspeaker for protests and help us disseminate information and even make it viral, as well as denounce abusive and unjust behavior.


There are many platforms from which demands are initiated, which we can support with our digital signature or our contributions. The causes are very diverse, such as, for example, the migratory crisis, the request for better food in schools, or the construction of a soup kitchen in a certain city. 

Some NGOs need volunteers to perform computer-based tasks that require specific skills. Some of them, as explained by Oxfam Intermon, can be:

  • Dissemination of information.
  • Research and information search.
  • Preparation of grants and projects.
  • Translation of documents.
  • Responding to requests for information.
  • Development of training programs.
  • Online training, tutoring, and support for the teaching of different subjects.
  • Dynamization of forums.
  • Updating of web pages.
  • Writing articles or press releases.
  • Elaboration of graphic and multimedia materials.
  • Updating of databases.

In addition to digital volunteering in NGOs, there are other ways to be a digital volunteer. We share with you seven ideas:

  1. Communicating causes you identify with and giving them visibility is in itself a recognition and a call to action. 
  2. Be critical of the online information you find and verify its veracity before sharing it. Sometimes there are many hoaxes and fake news that stigmatize the solidarity actions that other people do.
  3. Participate in online campaigns to support important causes, such as donating money or signing online petitions.
  4. Participate in online communities and be a good digital neighbor, respecting others and avoiding harassment and defamation.
  5. Participate in online activities and events to support charitable organizations.
  6. Share online resources and tools to help others participate in solidarity actions.
  7. Be a good role model, also on the Internet, showing empathy and compassion towards others.