Emisiones de CO2

The year 2019 was the year in which Co2 concentrations reached the all-time high. Despite the fact that in 2018 there were already record figures, in 2019 the issue increased. This situation is very alarming, because it is very harmful to the environment. Faced with this situation, a series of measures must be taken to reduce these Co2 emissions.

First of all, you have to learn and be aware of the impact that these emissions cause. Until everyone knows how harmful they are and how they affect the planet, appropriate measures cannot be put into practice. In addition to Co2, there are other gases that favor the greenhouse effect, so all of these gases must be kept in mind and look for solutions to avoid them.

Tips to reduce CO2 emissions:

Avoid using private cars. With the simple fact of doing 50 km less a week, the emission of 450 kg of Co2 is avoided. Using fossil fuels is the main cause of the production of this gas. If you cannot avoid taking the car, at least you have to ensure that the largest number of people travel in it.

Find alternatives for more sustainable travel. There are many options that can be used, such as public transport. Although there are even more ecological options such as cycling or walking. In addition, they help improve health. Many trips can be avoided thanks to teleworking.

Energy efficiency needs to be improved. One way to do this is by reducing the temperature of the house, two degrees less in winter and two more in summer. Trying to put fewer washing machines, with a couple a week is enough, and make sure they are always full. Washing clothes only when they are dirty and reducing the temperature of the washing machine to 40 degrees, thus saving 225kg of emissions. With these small changes, comfort is not given up and the environment is improved.

Instead of using fossil fuels, it is better to use renewable energy. The latter do not emit greenhouse gases. They are becoming more and more accessible to everyone, and self-consumption systems can be installed in practically all homes. This allows you to save a lot of money. You can also turn to companies that market this type of clean energy.

Eat responsibly. Although it may not seem like it, food also pollutes. The good news is that there are many foods that reduce CO2 emissions by up to 20%. Apart from taking care of the environment, this diet also takes care of your health. It is becoming easier to find foods that have been manufactured or grown close to home, that do not have as many packaging and that do not need as much energy to manufacture them.

Consume in a sustainable way. This is a lifestyle, which helps to take care of the environment while saving. To make it easier, you have to follow the rule of the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. If they are put into practice, it will be consumed in a more sustainable way.

Plant trees to clean the air. For this reason they are known as carbon sinks, because they retain it. To do this, you have to draw up a list of things that help prevent fires and avoid deforestation and that favor the planting of trees. Native species have to be prioritized. You just have to look for nearby initiatives and help them.

Buy 0 km products. Regarding what we have said before about sustainable food, it is worth highlighting the kilometer 0 products. These are short chain products, this means that they are locally manufactured. Therefore, CO2 emissions are reduced when transporting them. They are fresher and cheaper products, in addition to contributing to the local economy.

Ask administrations and institutions to get more involved. If the municipalities see that citizens ask for and participate in activities that help the environment, they will be forced to react and create a program of measures that favor the reduction of Co2. Between all of them, many initiatives can be launched to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases and improve the planet’s situation. It is for a common cause and for future generations.