Consumo responsable

The consumption that we do in our day to day is our responsibility. With our choices we can contribute in a positive way for the planet, for the health of the living beings that inhabit it and for savings. We give you some tips so that you can be aware of the power we have as consumers. As a continuation of the first part of this guide based on ideas for responsible consumption.


Reusable bags: Instead of using plastic bags, go shopping with a cart, baskets, or reusable bags. You can even carry one always with you in your backpack, purse or in the car, for improvised purchases and thus you will not ask for plastic in the supermarket. If you already have it, you can reuse them anyway, but the important thing is to consume responsibly and not buy new ones.

Avoid plastic lunch boxes: Replace them with other materials such as glass or stainless steel. The reason is that storing or heating food in plastic is toxic. When you heat food in this material, toxic substances are released that are harmful. For this reason, for example, it is discouraged to use plastic bottles to feed babies.

Say “no” to disposable utensils: Take your own cutlery or straws with you and thus, you will avoid asking for plastic when you buy take out food or something to drink. The same thing happens with plastic bottles; If you bring your own container for the water, you can refill it whenever you need. Also with other disposable objects like razor blades, for example.


Don’t waste food: Plan your purchases very well so that you only buy what you are going to consume. One of the reasons food is wasted is because we don’t make a good estimate of what we need and 30% of the food produced ends up in the garbage. Before buying, finish what you have. And before throwing away, think if you can take advantage of these foods by making compotes or sorbets with ripe fruits, sauces, hamburgers or croquettes with vegetables, etc. On the Internet you will find many recipes to take advantage of leftovers.

Consume seasonal, proximity and ecological:Nature provides us with what we need in each season of the year. Out-of-season products generate a large amount of CO² because they are kept in giant refrigerators from one season to another. This pollutes because many of these foods that do not belong to the season, come from other countries and involve long journeys until those foods arrive at your table. In addition, products that have not grown in the time they need lose flavor and nutritional properties. The choice of responsible consumption is to buy seasonal, proximity and ecological to contribute to the well-being of the planet and workers.

Less and better quality meat: Livestock produce 14.5% of Greenhouse Gases. Specifically, industrial livestock is the main responsible for the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems that are in a critical situation, as is the case in the Amazon. The reason is the high consumption of water required by industrial livestock, the contamination of aquifers due to the high consumption of antibiotics that they supply to the animals, the destruction of the rural way of life and, lastly and very importantly, for not taking care of animal welfare. Try to reduce the consumption of meat and, if you decide to eat, try to buy it from organic and local livestock.


Whenever you can, walk: Walking every day is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to take care of yourself. In addition to taking care of yourself, you are taking care of the planet, so this way we all win. You do not produce carbon emissions, you do not depend on the schedules of other transports or the traffic jams that can be caused. It is also a nice way to observe your surroundings, take the opportunity to listen to your favorite music while you walk and take care of your cardiovascular health. Without a doubt, it is the most sustainable and beneficial way to get around.

Getting around by bike and public transport: Another of the best options is the bicycle. It does not consume, so it is positive for the environment and for your pocket, it does not take up too much space, it is silent, it is clean, it allows you to take care of your health and be in good physical shape. Another positive point is that it is the fastest transport to move around the city. If on any occasion you cannot use the bike, you can choose public transport, since it is shared by many people and is optimized in relation to the pollution it generates and the people who travel. 

Use the train whenever you can: Intercity trips in which the car or plane is usually chosen represent a high level of pollution for the planet. Especially the plane, because it is the most polluting transport of all. The train is the one that generates the least impact and pollution. If the High-speed rail is not chosen, the journey time is usually long, but try to think that it may be a good opportunity to look at the landscape through the window, read the book that you never have time to start or finish some work.


More energy efficient appliances: Did you know that a household appliance made in the 90s consumes twice as much electricity as a more modern high-quality model? When you have to change your appliances, think about making a responsible consumption. Look on the savings labels for the sign of A, which indicates that it is a more efficient class device. Perhaps they are a little more expensive than the rest, but it will lead to an improvement in the reduction of CO² emissions and in the electricity bill. The money you invest in your purchase, you will get it back in a short time.

Let electrical appliances rest: Make sure to turn off your computer when you are not using it, use the operating system’s power saving mode, and disconnect it from the power source. In the same way that you decide to stop using it and put it in “sleep” or “standby” function, they continue to consume electricity. Doing this and leaving appliances, transformers or chargers plugged in, means 13% of electricity consumption in homes.

Drink water wisely: When you wash clothes, try to fill the washing machine, choose to wash cold and without pre-washing. A normal program is enough to wash clothes daily and thus you will be reducing energy consumption by up to 80%. We should think in this way when we shower: a quick shower before a bath. Turn off the water while you are soaping up and don’t make your showers longer than necessary. One tip is to choose a short song to listen to while you shower, and that will remind you to do so within the duration of the song.