
Low back pain is a pathology that is characterized by pain in the lower back, the lower part of the back.  

This pain originates in the muscles and skeletons of the spine. In addition, it is accompanied by radiating pain that is not the result of an injury, trauma or fracture, among others. 

This pathology can be suffered by everyone, regardless of age, sex or the type of life (active or not) that one leads. It is estimated that 80% of people either have suffered from low back pain or will suffer from it. 

Common causes of low back pain:

A few years ago, it was mistakenly believed that this pain was the result of an anomaly in the spine, such as a herniated disk. Although it is possible that it is the origin, it is in a very low percentage. Between 20 and 24% of hernias are asymptomatic

Normally, when you have lumbago is because it activates the neurological mechanism that is responsible for activating the nerves that transmit the sensation of pain, muscle contracture and inflammation, sometimes even the nerve root. 

This can be activated when the structure of the vertebrae is altered, how it makes a hernia or a degeneration of the joints in the area. Although in most cases it is due to a contracture or when the muscles are overloaded, to sclerosis, a fracture or a trauma.  

Among the not-so-common causes of low back pain are certain inflammatory diseases of the vertebrae, infections and tumors. 

Symptoms to detect low back pain:

We can find different symptoms that a person can have:

  • Local or radiated pain
  • Inflammation of the lumbar zone
  • Muscle contractures
  • Alterations in sensitivity
  • Movement alterations 

 It is possible to avoid this condition by following the advice you will find in the following section:

It is very important to play sports several times a week and to lead an active lifestyle in order to strengthen muscles and bones. So we must avoid sedentarism. 

It is also important to have good habits of postural hygiene when doing daily tasks. The way we clean, sit when working and drive, how we pick up a heavy object… Everything influences the appearance of low back pain, and if we don’t do it correctly we will be favoring its appearance. 

People who subject their body to vibrations, those who make flexo-extension movements, do flexion or hyperextension postures, are more prone to suffer it. If these people do physical exercise they will be able to prevent or palliate its effects. 

Nowadays most experts agree that there are two types. On the one hand, there is the specific type, which represents 20% of low back pain cases and is characterized by the fact that it includes those who have this pathology for known causes. 

The second case is the so-called non-specific one and represents the remaining 80% and includes patients who do not have a specific cause for their low back pain. 

To obtain a reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to know the causes of back pain through medical history and a physical examination. A series of tests are also carried out, among which are X-rays and analyses. 

The recommendations given by doctors to treat this pathology include avoiding bed rest, leading an active life and playing sports. One can begin with gentle exercises such as walking or jogging, and when the patient is ready, he or she should do back exercises. 

Learn the habits of postural hygiene so as not to overload the back. It is also good to apply heat or cold to the area. On the days when the pain is most intense, it is important to continue to carry out the activities on the patient’s schedule in order to relieve the pain. They can also prescribe a pharmacological treatment or even schedule surgery.