úlcera estomacal

Do you know what a stomach ulcer is?

A stomach ulcer (also known as a gastric or gastroduodenal ulcer) is a wound in the mucosa or lining of the stomach. Under normal conditions this mucosa protects the stomach from the acids it produces when it digests the food we eat. When the lining is damaged, the gastric juices cause intense pain, heartburn, stomach acid, nausea or vomiting. It is estimated that 5% of the world’s population suffers from it, which means that it is quite common.

At first it was believed that stomach ulcers were the consequence of poor diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, and other bad habits. So they were prescribed a specific diet (or surgery) to control it. However, the cause in most cases is due to the helicobacter pylori bacteria. At other times, it is also due to the use of certain medications when taken continuously.

Whatever the cause, it is always recommended to follow a healthy diet after suffering a stomach ulcer because it helps the recovery and healing of the wound. In most cases, the operation has also been replaced by an antibiotic treatment.

Food to eat after a stomach ulcer

Along with medication, a good diet will help relieve the typical discomfort of this ailment.

The first thing we must do is eliminate from our diet those foods that contribute to acidity. For example: citrus fruits, sauces, especially tomato sauces, fatty or high fiber dishes, salt, alcohol, carbonated beverages and stimulants…

Once the annoyances have been reduced notably, we will be able to include again in a progressive way the foods that we have just mentioned. We must do it gradually so that our stomach gets used to them again. For the first phase, when we still have a weak stomach, we must prioritize:

  • Meat: we recommend the consumption of lean meat, such as chicken, turkey or pork. It is also better to eliminate the fat and the lean fiber before cooking them, in addition it is better to boil them or to cook them to the plate.
  • Fish: especially the white one because it has less fat, as they are the hake, the monkfish, the codfish or the sea bass that the blue one. Also we will prepare them like the meat.
  • Eggs: we should only eat them cooked or prepare an omelette.
  • Vegetables: we must avoid those that produce gas: cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, etc. It is not recommended to eat them raw, but boiled or mashed. Salads are not recommended because they can make you feel bad.
  • Fruit: you can eat all of them except citrus fruits as we mentioned at the beginning. They can be cooked in the same way as vegetables (boiled) or in the oven.
  • Dairy: these must be taken with caution, a few times a week and preferably skimmed. We must prioritize fresh or semi-cured cheese because they are low in fat.
  • Cereals, potatoes and legumes: it is better to cook them but not together with high-fat foods. You should also avoid those that produce gas, such as chickpeas or beans. You should try these foods because some people may feel bad about them but others may feel good about them.

In any case, you must follow the instructions of this special diet until the doctor says so. If, in addition, he forbids a food or recommends the intake of a special one, we should pay attention to it. He is the expert and the one who knows what is best for our case.

You may lose your appetite or the desire to eat, we must let a prudent time pass to adapt and let the pain go away. But after a few days you must try to eat again little by little because it is a fundamental part of the process of recovery from the stomach ulcer. 

If you do not see improvement or the pain persists, you must go to a medical center to have a checkup and monitor that everything is going well. Or, if not, if it is necessary to adjust the medication.