La salud mental


Mental health in childhood and adolescence is an increasingly relevant topic in our contemporary society. According to data from the Multidisciplinary Task Force on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, approximately 1 in 7 children faces some form of mental health issue. In recent years, cases of anxiety, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have significantly multiplied, with an increase of up to three or four times since 2019. Additionally, suicidal behaviors among young people have experienced a worrying 59% increase.

This landscape has been further exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has heightened mental health issues among the child and adolescent population. This already vulnerable demographic has faced additional challenges due to the socio-emotional impact of confinement, uncertainty, and changes in daily routine, leaving a lasting impact.


Emotional problems influence the well-being and development of children. Among the common disorders that affect mental health during school years are the following:


When students experience anxiety, they may have difficulty concentrating in class and participating in social activities. Constant worry and physical symptoms related to anxiety can affect their performance in exams and their interaction with peers.


It causes a lack of energy and interest in school activities. In childhood and adolescence, individuals struggling with depression may feel overwhelmed, making it difficult for them to meet academic responsibilities and interact with their peers.

Attention difficulties

Many students face difficulties maintaining attention in class and following instructions. This affects their academic performance and relationships with others in the school environment.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Children with ASD may have difficulty socializing, communicating, and adapting to changes in school. They require additional support and adaptations to cope with their learning in educational settings.

Mood disorders

Students with mood disorders may experience extreme mood swings, affecting their behavior and performance in school and making it difficult to concentrate and participate in school activities.

Eating disorders

Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, among others, can affect the energy and concentration of students, leading to frequent absences due to associated health problems.


Students who have experienced trauma may develop post-traumatic stress disorders, which interfere with their participation in school activities and academic performance.

Academic pressure

High academic expectations for success and pressure from adults on children can contribute to students’ stress and anxiety, making it difficult for them to attend classes and perform academically.

Family problems

Issues within households, such as poorly managed separations and divorces, family violence, or lack of support, can affect students’ academic performance and add new difficulties to those they already face.


Online harassment and other forms of cyberbullying can have a significant impact on student’s mental health, affecting their ability to learn and their overall emotional well-being.


The impact of the internet and mobile phone use on the mental health of children and adolescents has been the subject of numerous studies and debates in recent years. While the results are not conclusive, there is consensus that the effect of these technologies largely depends on how they are used.

According to Adolfo Jarne, a psychologist expert in the field, the technologies themselves are neither good nor bad; their influence is determined by how they are employed. On the other hand, Alicia Álvarez, a doctor in Psychology, highlights that social networks and mobile phones can be harmful when they generate addiction and when teenagers’ self-esteem depends excessively on them. However, she points out that it is natural for adolescents to seek external reinforcement and approval, and that social networks can amplify this need.

Both experts agree that it is essential to consider how technology is used. For example, during the pandemic, the internet allowed adolescents to stay connected, which many people consider beneficial for their emotional well-being. However, it remains to be seen what the long-term effects of these technologies will be on the mental health of this population.


Caring for mental health in childhood and adolescence in educational and caregiving environments involves creating a conducive atmosphere that fosters emotional development, social skills, and early detection of mental health issues. School mental health encompasses addressing the needs of infants to providing emotional support to older students.

Adopting a comprehensive approach involving students, families, school staff, caregivers, and mental health professionals is crucial. Providing the necessary tools to manage stress, emotions, and relationships healthily is essential. Furthermore, the active involvement of families and support for school initiatives are critical for strengthening the mental well-being of children and adolescents.