la técnica de los seis sombreros


In a constantly changing world, with a continuous flow of information, sometimes making decisions can be very complicated. That’s why having tools that stimulate creativity, objectivity, and innovative thinking becomes essential.

The Six Thinking Hats technique offers a unique perspective that promotes lateral thinking and more effective and balanced decision-making. This technique benefits our thinking and social skills.


It is a method of thinking developed by the Maltese psychologist, physician, and writer Edward de Bono in the 1980s. This innovative technique is based on the concept of lateral thinking, a way of approaching problems and challenges from unconventional and creative angles, as opposed to vertical and linear thinking, which follows a more traditional and sequential logic.

The name of the technique comes from using six metaphorical “hats,” each of a different color, to represent different approaches to thinking. Each hat symbolizes a specific mental state that participants must adopt to explore the problem from different perspectives.


White Hat: Facts and Data

This hat represents objectivity and the analysis of information. Participants must focus solely on the available data, facts, and figures without making judgments or subjective interpretations. The white hat is the impartial observer who gathers objective and accurate information.

Red Hat: Emotions and Intuitions

It symbolizes emotions and intuitions. In this phase, participants can freely express their feelings, emotional reactions, and hunches about the topic. Logical arguments are not required; it simply invites sharing emotions in the present moment.

Black Hat: Criticism and Caution

Represents critical and cautious thinking. Here, participants must point out possible challenges, risks, and negative aspects of the problem. The black hat is the careful analyst who identifies weaknesses and potential problems.

Yellow Hat: Benefits and Opportunities

Represents optimism and exploration of benefits and opportunities. Participants should identify the positive aspects and advantages of the topic under discussion. The yellow hat is the promoter of solutions and opportunities.

Green Hat: Creativity and Alternatives

Symbolizes creativity and generating alternatives. Here, participants can propose new ideas and approaches to solve the problem. The green hat is the creative and divergent thinker who seeks novel solutions.

Blue Hat: Process Control

This is the management hat. It is used by the moderator or group leader to guide and control the thinking process, ensuring that each hat is used at the appropriate time and that a logical sequence is followed in the discussion. The blue hat is the organizer and facilitator of the technique’s dynamics.


Encourages diverse thinking: The Six Thinking Hats technique invites participants to adopt different hats to examine a problem from multiple perspectives. By doing so, they move away from the tendency to think in a biased and one-dimensional manner, promoting the exploration of a wide range of ideas and approaches.

Reduces conflict and tension: By separating emotions and criticism from other stages of thinking, interpersonal conflicts are minimized, and more constructive and harmonious discussions are encouraged. Using the red hat provides a safe space to express emotions without fear of judgment.

Stimulates creativity: The green hat, focused on generating creative ideas and solutions, encourages “out-of-the-box” thinking and promotes innovation. This creative stage is essential for finding novel and effective solutions.

Improves decision-making: By considering multiple perspectives, data, and emotions, decision-making becomes more informed and balanced, leading to more effective and rational solutions. The Six Thinking Hats technique allows for evaluating a problem from different angles before deciding.

Promotes self-reflection: The technique invites participants to examine their own thinking processes and cognitive biases. By being aware of how our thoughts may be biased, we can work to improve our reasoning and decision-making.

Fosters group dynamics: The method can be applied in workgroups or project teams. By giving each member the opportunity to share unique perspectives, collaboration and synergy within the group are fostered.

Reduces decision-making stress: The technique helps alleviate the pressure associated with making important decisions by offering a structured framework to explore and analyze different aspects of the problem.


Meetings and brainstorming sessions: In business environments, the technique can be used during meetings and brainstorming sessions to explore different options and solutions.

Conflict resolution: In situations of interpersonal conflict or teams with differing opinions, the technique can help promote mutual understanding and find consensus-based solutions.

Strategic planning: In the development of strategic plans for a company or organization, the technique can help consider all possible implications and opportunities.

Project evaluation: During project evaluation, using the different hats can help consider the pros and cons of each option and make informed decisions.

Creative idea development: In creative processes such as product design or the development of advertising campaigns, the technique can stimulate the generation of fresh and original ideas.

Training in critical thinking: In educational contexts, the Six Thinking Hats technique can be a valuable tool to teach students to think critically and consider different perspectives.