Cómo bajar los triglicéridos

Do you know how to lower triglycerides? If you suffer from hypertriglyceridemia, or in other words, have high triglycerides, this article is of interest to you. 

Triglycerides are the type of fat most present in our blood. Having levels that are too high is counterproductive to our health. It increases the risk of suffering alterations in our organism. 

To avoid suffering any damage in the organism, it is essential that we lower the triglyceride levels if we have them above 160mg/dl. 

Here are some easy tips to put into practice so that you can achieve this. They will not radically change your daily routine, they are just small changes: 

Checking your food to see how to lower your triglycerides:

Our diet should be low in saturated fat. This fat can be found in animal products, such as butter, cream, meat, dairy products… But it can also be found in foods of vegetable origin, such as coconut oil or palm oil (the latter is widely used to make pastries and industrial baked goods). 

We must avoid all these foods and replace them with other healthier ones. Especially those rich in monounsaturated fatty acids because they will help us reduce triglyceride levels. For example, olive oil. Also those with large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. Like for example the blue fish: the sardines, the bonito, the tuna, the salmon, the anchovies, etc. Walnuts and rapeseed oil are also rich sources of Omega-3. 

It is also easy to find products enriched with Omega-3, this will provide an extra dose to our body that will help us reduce triglycerides more effectively. Although the healthiest option is still to eat the foods we have mentioned before, especially oily fish. 

To reduce the amount of triglycerides we eat, we must make sure that the meat we eat is lean. Skinless poultry, low-fat cheese and low-fat milk and yoghurt If we are going to cook meat and we see fat, we must try to remove all the visible fat. 

Many ready-made or pre-cooked foods and industrial bakery products also have fat, and in large quantities. To find out how much they have and whether we should eat them or not, it is better to look at the label in the total fat part, the proportion of saturated fat they have. 

Remember that sometimes you will find them under names such as vegetable oils, which are actually coconut or palm oil and we have already specified that we should eliminate them from our diet. 

We must also eliminate simple sugars, such as sugar, honey, sugary drinks and soft drinks. Fructose and alcohol, because they increase triglycerides significantly. 

In addition, we should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. We also recommend eating legumes, as they are low in fat and provide vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates and soluble fibre. All of them are good for improving the health of our organism. 

Our lifestyle: 

Apart from food, there are other factors that can increase triglycerides. Suffering from certain illnesses, for example, can contribute, such as diabetes. Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight can also contribute. So if you want to lower your triglyceride levels, you will need to play sports regularly and stop smoking. Ideally, you should do at least half an hour a day of physical activity. You can train 2-3 times a week more intensively with a training plan.