acoso laboral

Harassment at work is a reality. It happens when a person treats another person in a hostile or humiliating way at work. This happens systematically and can cause psychological and professional damage. 

We must face the situation to end it as soon as possible. It is something illegal that should not happen. We spend a large part of our day at work and we should be able to work under good conditions without being harassed or mobbed by anyone, because our well-being at work depends on it.

We do not always know what to do in these situations of mobbing. So that you can react in the best way, whether you suffer it in first person or if you see that someone is being harassed, below you will find some tips to end harassment at work:

What to do to end mobbing or harassment at work:

Confront it, stand up to it: Whether you are being bullied or you see someone being bullied. The best way to stop bullying is to confront the person who is bullying. This will keep the situation from dragging on.

Make sure there are witnesses: when we go to confront the bully it is better to have witnesses. If when we approach the person there is no one around, it is better not to confront him/her at that time. We will wait and look for a moment when someone can witness it. Witnesses are critical to having evidence against this person. In case the situation worsens and so that the rest of the colleagues are aware of the situation. It will also make the stalker look exposed and stop. Furthermore, in case of intervention of superiors or legal proceedings, we will also need them.

Be decisive and direct: stalkers do not usually act directly, they seek anonymity or any form of protection. If you confront them directly and with determination, they will find themselves out of place and not knowing how to react. 

Don’t be predictable: the workplace bully is bullying because he knows how the other person will react, he knows his behaviour and therefore he is not afraid of him. Be unpredictable, not reacting as he expects or acting in a surprising way will make him insecure and in the end he will stop the harassment. 

Avoid arguing and threatening him: it is important that when we talk to him we do not argue or threaten him. If we do, the bully could discredit us in front of the rest of our classmates. To prevent this from happening, we must be cold, direct and unafraid. It is best not to show your emotions. 

Gather as much evidence as you can: get any documents or records that show that the workplace bullying is real and that it is happening. If you can, record any conversations you have, save any emails, notes, papers, etc. Anything where there is evidence of harassment. You can write it down in a diary with the day and time. 

It is better if you have support: dealing with this kind of situation is not easy. It is also not easy to find support because people do not want to conflict, become the next person or endanger their job, especially if the bully is a superior. But having support is fundamental to end the harassment.

You need to report: bullies have power over the victim because usually the victim doesn’t tell what’s going on, because she’s ashamed or feels guilty. Informing a partner, a superior, or family and friends will make the bully lose power and make it easier for us to deal with him or her.

Ask for specialized help: if we do not manage to end the problem or if it goes beyond that, it is best to ask for psychological and legal help to end the problem. Bullying is a real problem, which can have consequences on our self-esteem. It can isolate us, cause anxiety or depression. Having experts to help us deal with these symptoms is vital to overcome it. In addition, if we need to file a complaint, we will also need the advice of a lawyer.