como superar los complejos

We’ve all felt self-conscious at some point in our lives. It is something common that we must overcome because they prevent us from leading our lives normally. We all want to feel good about ourselves, safe and confident, but it is not always easy to get rid of complexes and like everything about yourself. 

If there is any reader who finds him/herself in a complicated situation due to a complex that he/she has, he/she can feel better and overcome it, we have prepared this small guide with tricks and advice to put into practice in order to get rid of all the complexes.Before starting with the advice, we must know what exactly a complex is. Identifying what happens to us and giving it a name is fundamental in order to find the best solution.

Complexes are a distorted perception of ourselves. This distortion arises when we compare ourselves with other people or models that we have as references of our society. As a result, we suffer from insecurity, lack of confidence in our abilities and low self-esteem. The distorted vision of ourselves ends up affecting us and making our social relationships, in professional life and life in general, more difficult. 

Now that we have this clear, let us see how we can put an end to it and improve the image we have of ourselves. 

Tips to overcome complexes: 

  • We should value ourselves for what we are, not for what others demand of us. 
  • We do not always have to seek the approval of others about the things we do. It is better to act according to our convictions and criteria. Leaving aside what others want us to do.
  • We have to learn to love ourselves, accepting our weaknesses and our strengths. We are unique and different from others and that’s fine. 
  • Something that will give us a lot of relief: recognizing that we all have limits. Realizing this fact naturally will free us and take away the pressure that we often put on ourselves. 
  • Look for the positive things we have and reinforce them. These positive things are the ones we should show to others when we relate. Instead of showing our defects. In this way, we will reinforce our self-esteem, improve the way we see ourselves and take away social pressure. 
  • In relation to the previous advice, self-esteem is fed by positive thoughts and attitudes. The more positive things we provide, the greater it will be. Everything in this life has its positive side, look for it and keep it. In the same way, get away and get rid of the negative thoughts and things around you
  • Do not base your attitude towards others and your social activities on an external appearance, you should not try to please others. It is better to show yourself as you are, they will love you for who you are and not for who you pretend to be. Also, keep in mind that with time and trust, lies will fall apart and they will find out who you really are, with the risk that they will get away from you for lying to them. It is better to start things off on the right foot and not lie. 

This advice is useful for most people, who with patience and perseverance will be able to overcome their complexes. If you are in a particular situation or you see that with time you do not improve, the best thing to do is to go to a specialist to help you with your case. She/he will find the best solution to your problem and will help you in the best way.