La somatización


The human being is complex. Throughout human history, there have been many psychological approaches to the separation between body and mind, believing that people with physical problems, symptoms, or disorders always have a physical origin. 

We now know that this is not the case and that we can experience physical pain as a consequence of emotional difficulty. This is known as somatization or somatization disorder.


Somatization disorder is a psychological disorder characterized by the presence of chronic and persistent physical symptoms that have no explanation that can be demonstrated by a physical medical test. Occurs when a person experiences physical symptoms as a result of unresolved emotion or emotional stress.

This person experiences symptoms such as muscle aches, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, palpitations, and fatigue, among others. Often, people with somatization disorder seek medical attention believing that the origin of the symptom is physical, but find no clear explanation for them

This situation can become desperate and frustrating due to the uncertainty it generates. The person suffering from somatization disorder may feel disconnected about what is happening because the physical symptoms can be difficult to explain and, for medical professionals, difficult to understand in order to give a concrete diagnosis. 

In addition, by not getting a clear answer, the somatizing person may be afraid that their physical symptoms are indicative of a serious illness. This fear can increase anxiety and lead to excessive worry about your health, and even increase the feeling of being trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of physical and emotional symptoms.


Somatization is believed to be a form of a protective response to stressful situations or unresolved emotions. Instead of processing and coping with these problems, the person somatizes them, turning them into physical symptoms. This response may be a way to distract oneself from painful emotions or to avoid dealing with stressful situations.

With somatization, the affected person usually experiences a wide range of emotional, psychological, or social problems such as anxiety, stress, depression, emotional trauma, problems in social relationships or work problems, which are not adequately addressed.

Somatization may also be related to low self-esteem and a sense of hopelessness and a loss of control over life. Often, people who somatize have experienced difficult situations in the past and may feel that they do not have a voice or a place to talk about their feelings and concerns.

It is important to note that somatization is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of an underlying problem. Therefore, treatment of somatization should focus on treating the root emotional or psychological problem rather than treating the physical symptoms.


Somatization disorder can affect anyone. Some risk factors include a family history of psychological disorders, emotional trauma, chronic stress, lack of social support, and limited skills to manage stress and emotions.

Long-term somatization can lead to serious health problems and can be an obstacle to emotional resolution and well-being. In addition, the constant seeking of medical attention for symptoms that have no clear explanation can lead to a sense of frustration and social isolation.

Some tips for preventing or treating somatization disorder are:

Learning stress management skills 

Practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce stress and emotional tension.

Processing emotions

Learning to recognize and express emotions in a healthy way can help release emotional tension and prevent somatization.

Seeking social support

Maintaining healthy and meaningful relationships with friends and loved ones can provide a support network to help manage stress and emotions.

Searching for treatment

Therapy can be very effective in treating somatization disorder. Therapists can help people understand and process their emotions, improve their stress management skills, and learn new strategies for coping with stressful situations.

Taking care of your physical health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, can help prevent and treat the physical symptoms associated with somatization.

Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs

Excessive alcohol and drug use can worsen physical and emotional symptoms and increase the risk of somatization.

Maintaining a positive outlook

Practicing gratitude and focusing on the positive things in life can help reduce stress and improve emotional health.

Recognizing the importance of self-compassion

Being kind and compassionate to yourself can help reduce emotional stress and improve emotional health.