Consejos para empezar a correr

Starting running is accessible to all people because you only need appropriate footwear. It is not necessary to invest for some facilities because you can practice in the public space and, neither do you spend money on material because for this practice you only need yourself.

If you want to start running or you have already tried it several times without success, here are five very simple tips that will make a difference. Finally, we name you some of the benefits of running so if you still have any doubts, you reaffirm that it is one of the best decisions you can make to take care of yourself.

How to starting running: Tips

1. How to start is important

Starting to run can be a success or, quite the opposite, depending on the intensity with which you start. If your physical condition is low, it is recommended that you start by walking lightly for 30 minutes up to 1 hour, three days a week at least. Once your body has prepared during these weeks, you can start running, combining walking with races. For example, walk 3 minutes and run 1 minute, decreasing each week 1 minute of walking and increasing it in running.

2. Always stretch

In the same way that you set yourself a goal to start running, you must keep in mind that you always have to finish physical activity by stretching. You should never skip this time dedicated to stretching, because it is essential to prevent injuries. Because although it seems obvious, if you injure yourself you will not be able to run. Therefore, it is better to keep prevention in mind.

3. Rest is vital

It is normal for those who decide to start running do so without taking breaks between workouts to see results earlier. This is not true, and it can also delay evolution and create injuries. To properly assimilate training and avoid injuries, it is important not to train two days in a row, at least until the body has assimilated the change from never training to starting to do it.

4. Joining a competition can wait

A very frequent motivation is to sign up for a race so that we do not give up on our training. In this way, as we have a visualized goal, all our effort is allocated to that competition and it will be a stimulus to be constant. It is advisable that during the first year of starting running, do not compete over distances greater than 10 kilometers. If you are excited to do so, choose shorter careers.

5. Running accompanied

You propose to start running and friends and / or family encourage you to do it with them. It is a very stimulating and fun way to motivate yourself, a push to start that helps to integrate the habit of going for a run. But sometimes it is a problem because we try to follow their rhythm and you have to be aware that each person has their own and you cannot force yourself to go at the same rate as the others. If you do, you can end up quitting because you don’t have the same level and you become unmotivated and tired. If you go out with someone, let them follow your rhythm or let each one go at their own pace.

Benefits of running

Say goodbye to stress: Different studies claim that running relieves depression and improves stress, because it increases the levels of neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and serotonin. It also reduces the levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

Increase your flexibility: Running improves your flexibility, important for your muscles to recover faster, to reduce injuries and muscle stiffness. Thanks to the flexibility, you will be able to take longer strides.

You will rest more and better: Running helps to have a restful sleep, improving the quality of sleep. When you start running you may not notice it but, after a few days, you will notice that you rest better and that you will have more energy the next day.

Lose weight or maintain your weight: It is an aerobic exercise, so it stimulates weight loss as long as you link it to a proper diet. Once you get into the habit of running, changing your training and doing intervals of jogging and sprinting is a good way to lose weight more quickly.

Improves cardiovascular health: The faster you run, the more work our heart does. Blood flows faster and the heart becomes stronger. So when you run, you train your entire cardiovascular system. In addition, you reduce blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol.

Better immune system: Running, like other aerobic activities, promotes the stimulation of macrophages, the cells that fight infection through the immune system. It will help us avoid infectious diseases.