
What are proteins?

Proteins are macromolecules formed by smaller molecules, called amino acids.  

There are 20 different types of amino acids. Of these 20, the body can synthesize 12 on its own; they are called non-essential amino acids. The other 8, are the so-called essential amino acids and we have to get them through food so that the body can synthesize them.

Both are equally important for our body to function properly. However, we must pay special attention to the essential ones since, since we cannot produce them ourselves, we need to feed ourselves correctly so that the body can obtain the daily amounts it needs.

If we do not get the recommended daily amounts of protein, our body will not be able to function properly and in the long term this can cause health problems and lead to serious illness.

However, we must eat the right amount of protein because too much protein can also cause health problems.

Proteins are also known as the building blocks of life because they are the main component of cells, muscles and other tissues in the human body. They are more important than they may first appear.

After water, they are the element most present in our body (in terms of volume) and the one that participates in the most cellular processes.

What do they bring to the body?

Foods with proteins contribute many things to our organism. As we have mentioned before, they are a basic element for our organs to function properly.

To begin with, they are responsible for giving our muscles the energy they need, maintaining muscle mass in an optimal way.

They build tissue, apart from the muscle, from the rest of the internal elements. And they repair damaged tissue or organs after an injury.

They help to regulate and synthesize hormones, so if we do not want to have a hormonal imbalance we must control the amounts of proteins we eat.

They also help create antibodies, which will improve our immune system and allow us to have better health.

In addition, they are also present at the time when some of the neurotransmitters are created.

Others function as enzymes and facilitate the creation of chemical reactions within our body. Or they help regulate blood sugar levels.

Some proteins are responsible for carrying nutrients, such as lipids, vitamins or minerals, to where we need them.

Finally, certain proteins regulate the expression of certain genes or regulate the division of cells.

As you can see, proteins help us with many things, in the creation of tissue, muscle and bone, regulate blood sugar levels, transport essential elements to the organs, create antibodies, and much more. That’s why it’s important to follow a balanced diet so that our body can synthesize all types of proteins. So that we don’t have any imbalance.

They are an element, not as small as it may seem, but basic and vital for the proper functioning of our systems.