ejercicio en familia

Exercising as a family has great benefits. It is a good way to have a good time together as a family, it helps children learn the values and benefits of doing sports, it prevents them from being glued to a screen, something that happens very often nowadays, but it brings many more things. To discover them, continue reading our article:

It makes children less sedentary, reduces the chances of them suffering from obesity and the health problems and illnesses associated with a sedentary life, such as bone weakness, stress, depression, tiredness, digestion disorders, high cholesterol, etc.

They learn new values, responsibilities, how to relate and establish links with their parents. Such as respect, competitiveness, discipline, and many more!

Exercising with your children will make them see you as an example, since children repeat almost everything their parents do. It will be a good way to initiate them to a good active life with healthy food. And it won’t cost them so much, because if they see that you are doing it and that they are having fun while doing it, it won’t be a problem for them to do it.

You will see that while you are training you have a good time, you establish new emotional ties and strengthen those you already had.

Your children will have more energy, they will fall asleep sooner (which is appreciated) and they will be healthier.

You will notice that the well-being and physical condition of all family members will improve if you play sports together regularly. There will be a better atmosphere at home.

You will also learn to communicate better. This can help you a lot and avoid arguments or misunderstandings.

Something very important for children is that through sport they will increase their capacity for social integration.

It is also a good opportunity to teach them new activities, sports and even areas of the city if you decide to train outdoors.

What sports can we practice as a family?

There are a lot of sports you can do with your children, you only have to say one or several and start doing sports with your family.

Cycling: cycling is fun for both children and adults. It will allow you to discover new places or rediscover those you already know, get some fresh air, teach your children road traffic and safety rules, the importance of wearing a helmet and respecting pedestrians. But also how to respect the environment.

Swimming: it is one of the children’s favourite extracurricular activities, usually learned during the first years of life. Swimming as a family will allow you to get in shape together, as swimming is one of the most complete sports that exist. It can be practiced in a swimming pool or at the beach.

Hiking: if the bicycle does not convince the whole family, a good option is hiking, taking a walk in the mountains, will allow you to see and meet animals and plants. At the same time, they will learn to respect their habitat and environment.

Yoga: it is one of the most fashionable disciplines these days. It will allow you to relax as a family while you cultivate your body and mind. It is one of the best options to practice sport at home.

But these are not all the disciplines that exist, it is about finding a sport that you like and with which you can have a good time while you get in shape. Don’t worry if any discipline doesn’t work, you will soon find one that will please everyone.