Saber vivir

Time has become our worst enemy. Many believe that by living slowly they are not taking advantage of life, that experiences and time are lost. They do not feel productive by living more slowly. 

Living at full speed has become a reality for many, to do as many things as possible and if possible, better. The truth is that this lifestyle causes precisely the opposite, a loss of quality of life and cannot be considered living. 

Trying to do so many things prevents us from enjoying every moment. We do not taste the good things in life nor do we give the importance it deserves to every moment we live, but we know how to live the present moment.

Living in a hurry makes us go through the moments of our life and experiences almost without realizing it. Losing the essence of every moment we live. 

We all have a life, a job, daily habits and customs that we do day after day. All this prevents us from stopping to think if the life we are living is the one we really want to live. And if it is not, we cannot change it because we do not have time. Consequently, we will continue to live unhappily for the rest of our lives, because we do not know how to live properly.

Living by all means has its negative consequences.

One of the main consequences of rushing is that we age faster. This is because we are stimulated all the time. Our body constantly generates adrenaline and the stress hormone, cortisol, shoots up its levels. So the body becomes addicted to these substances and we continue to live in a hurry, to generate more. This facilitates the appearance of diseases and body aches. 

Knowing how to live slowly allows us to have better health and be more stable. It also allows us to enjoy every moment, every experience, improves digestion and takes away pressure. Furthermore, it improves our mental health, apart from our physical health. Something very important that many of us seem to have forgotten that we have to take care of. 

Why do we live in such a hurry?

One of the biggest problems in our society is multitasking. As we have said before, what is fashionable is to try to do as many things at once as possible. There is a false belief that this makes us more efficient. 

With multitasking we do not benefit ourselves, but the economic system in which we live benefits. Working faster to produce more is what matters. But quality is lost. In the end what is produced ends up lasting less because you cannot spend the time necessary to produce quality goods. 

Knowing how to live without rushing.

Living in a hurry makes us more intolerant. We gradually lose the ability to enjoy the small pleasures of everyday life. We will only enjoy them if we live slowly. Something as simple as seeing your children smile has become impossible because you have no time. Realize that with this rhythm we do not lose time, but life. And that we are not enjoying it, is fundamental to change our mentality. 

Patience has become something hateful and when we are made to wait we become irritable. One day we will look in the mirror and realize that we are no longer that young man full of energy and vitality. Suddenly we are an exhausted adult who has stopped fighting for what he believed in. 

We must not miss this opportunity to change and live life again by savouring each moment as if it were our last. Calmly. We may have missed many moments because of the rush, but the important thing is to know how to live tomorrow’s moments with all our senses and all our attention.  This way we will live more and better.